Monday, September 19, 2016

oracle.webcenter.collab.share.LoginFailedException: failure to authenticate the user weblogic, due to: Unexpected error occurred, due to : Client received SOAP Fault from server : SOAP must understand error. Server could not understand one or more SOAP headers : {}Security

oracle.webcenter.collab.share.LoginFailedException: failure to authenticate the user weblogic, due to: Unexpected error occurred, due to : Client received SOAP Fault from server : SOAP must understand error. Server could not understand one or more SOAP headers : {}Security

Below error shows the Webcenter Discussion service is not working on Webcenter portal and it is mainly reported on webcenter portal

Solution is to attach OWSM policy to the Oracle Webcenter Spaces End point so that it can communicate with Discussion services.

To attach the OWSM policy, follow below steps.

Go the oracle_common/common/bin directory to execute wlst commands.

$cd Oracle_Fusion_Middleware_Home/ oracle_common/common/bin/


$cd /oracle/fmw/oracle_common/common/bin/

[oracle@webcenter /oracle/fmw/oracle_common/common/bin]$ ./

wls:/offline> connect('weblogic','weblogic password','t3://hostname:7001')

wls:/webcenter/serverConfig> attachWebServicePolicy(application='webcenter', moduleName='webcenter', moduleType='web', serviceName='SpacesWebService',subjectName='SpacesWebServiceSoapHttpPort', policyURI='oracle/wss11_saml_token_with_message_protection_service_policy')

wls:/webcenter/serverConfig> attachWebServicePolicy(application='owc_discussions', moduleName='owc_discussions', moduleType='web', serviceName='OWCDiscussionsServiceAuthenticated',subjectName='OWCDiscussionsServiceAuthenticated', policyURI='oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy')

Once the commands are executed successfully, restart WC_Spaces and WC_Collaboration server.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Sometimes, when you access the webpage and it displays the home page with login and after the successful login, we can see that the error comes in the webpage with ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE and cannot access page.

Please follow the below commands and restart the page.

Start the command prompt with Administrator Mode

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /all
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
netsh int ip set dns
netsh winsock reset

Brief description for each commands given below.

ipconfig /release – will release the current IP configuration.
ipconfig /all – Displays the full TCP/IP configuration for all adapters.
ipconfig /flushdns – Flush and reset the client resolver cache
ipconfig /renew – DHCP server will assign a new IP address for the computer
netsh int ip set dns – Change the DNS automatically
netsh winsock reset – reset winsock catalog back to the default settings.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Apache Virtual Host Rule for Configure the url based on context root – Virtual Host Proxy Pass and ReWrite Rule

ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse directives are used to direct the traffic from webserver to apache server. For configuring the proxy, we can configure with mod_proxy and mod_jk. Mod_jk forward the request to an application server via AJP protocol. 

In the below configuration, we are configured the request to Tomcat application server. The public domain listens to the port number 98. If the request comes with context root, it will direct to the application server and will serve the request. If the application is starting with language parameter, then it will redirect to the application with different context root. Below entries can be customized for your requirments and add it in httpd-vhosts.conf file.

<VirtualHost *:98>
    DocumentRoot "/u01/apache/htdocs/mysite"
    ServerName public.domain.entry

       ProxyPass /contextroot http://x.x.x.x:port/contextroot
       ProxyPassReverse /contextroot http://x.x.x.x:port/contextroot

       RewriteEngine On
       RewriteOptions Inherit
       RewriteLog "/u01/apache/logs/rewrite_log.log"
       RewriteLogLevel 8
        RewriteRule "^/$" /ar/index.html [R=301,L]
       RewriteRule ^/en/(.*)$ /Application_ContextRoot/$1?languageCode=en&%{QUERY_STRING} [P,L]
       RewriteRule ^/ar/(.*)$ / Application_ContextRoot /$1?languageCode=ar&%{QUERY_STRING} [P,L] 

       Include conf/modjk/
       ErrorLog "/u01/apache/logs/error_log"
       CustomLog "/u01/apache/logs/access.log" common


JDBC LLR, table verify failed for table WL_LLR_SOA_SERVER1', row 'JDBC LLR Domain//Server

When we are creating multiple domains in the same server and trying to run Oracle SOA Server, we gets the below error because the old domain was updated in the database and expecting the new domain value.

Below are the exception details.

javax.transaction.SystemException: Failed to call
java.sql.SQLException: JDBC LLR, table verify failed for table
<schema>.WL_LLR_SOA_SERVER1', row 'JDBC LLR Domain//Server' record had
unexpected value <old domain>//soa_server1' expected
'<new domain>//soa_server1' ONLY the original domain and server that creates an
LLR table may access it

Solution: - Update the database with new domain entries and restart the SOA Server

Command :-

update <Shema>.WL_LLR_SOA_SERVER1 set RECORDSTR = '<New Domain>//soa_server1'
where XIDSTR = 'JDBC LLR Domain//Server'

Example :-

update MYSOA.WL_LLR_SOA_SERVER1 set RECORDSTR = 'soadomain//soa_server1'
where XIDSTR = 'JDBC LLR Domain//Server'

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Checking for conflicts...Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

While updating the weblogic server path using, we might get this error.

To resolve this issue, open  {MW_Home}/utils/bsu/ and update the Xms and Xmx values.

Example :- 


MEM_ARGS="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m"

Find the Weblogic version installed

Execute the below commands to retrieve the weblogic version installed.

Set the class path to the file for executing java command

#. {WL_HOME}/server/bin/

Example :-

#. /u01/app/oracle/product/fmw11g/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/

Execute below command to get the weblogic version

# java weblogic.version

Execute the below command to get the weblogic version in details with subsystems details.

# java weblogic.version -verbose

Encountered unrecognized patch ID: {Patch ID}

While updating the weblogic server path using, we might get this error. To resolve this error, extract the patch files (one xml file and the jar file with Path ID name) in to {MW_Home}/utils/bsu/cache_dir directory.

If cache_dire directory is not available in {MW_Home}/utils/bsu directory, then create it and copy the files.

Again Execute the command and the issue will be resolved.

# ./ -install -patchlist={Patch ID}  -prod_dir={WL_HOME}


#./ -install -patchlist={Patch ID}  -prod_dir=/u01/app/oracle/product/fmw11g/wlserver_10.3/

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Webcenter Portal BPM integration steps while changing weblogic user password.

Follow the below steps in both Webcenter and SOA/BPM environment.

1.       Change the password in the security realm.
Weblogic Admin Console à Security Realms à myrealmàUsers and Groups à Click on ‘Weblogic’ à Passwords à Update the new password.

2.       Update the with username and password and restart the servers

3.      Weblogic Admin Console àClick on the domain name à Security à General à Advanced à Update the credentials here.

Follow the below step in Webcenter environment.

4.      Weblogic Admin Console à Click on ‘Services’ à Foreign JNDI Providers à Click on ‘BPMRuntimeProviderà
Update the password here.

Finally restart SOA and Webcenter Admin and Managed servers.

Failed to invoke startup class "JRF Startup Class", java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jrf.wls.JRFStartup

While starting oracle fusion middleware managed servers via admin console, we get below error

Failed to invoke startup class "JRF Startup Class", java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jrf.wls.JRFStartup

This is due to the node manager configuration issue and can be resolved by updating the file with below entries.

#cd /u01/app/oracle/product/fmw11g/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager/



Restart the node manager, admin server and managed server.

All of the servers selected are currently in a state which is incompatible with this operation or are not associated with a running Node Manager or you are not authorized to perform the action requested. No action will be performed.

We have reported the similar issue and the solution in my other blog. Please ClickHere

For server , the Node Manager associated with machine is not reachable.

We have reported the similar issue and the solution in my other blog. Please ClickHere

Node Manager is not reachable Error in Weblogic Admin console

We might get below error as well,

For server <fmw managed server>, the Node Manager associated with machine <machine Name> is not reachable.

All of the servers selected are currently in a state which is incompatible with this operation or are not associated with a running Node Manager or you are not authorized to perform the action requested. No action will be performed.

Security:090476]Invalid/unknown SSL header was received from peer <hostname> during SSL handshake.

Solution :-  Follow the below steps.

Step 1:-
Login to Weblogic Admin Console à Click on ‘Servers’ à Click on ‘Admin Server’ or corresponding managed server à SSL àAdvanced à Set ‘Hostname Verification’ to ‘None’.

Step 2:-
Login to Weblogic Admin Console à Click on ‘Machines’ à Click on <machine name> à Node Manager à Select ‘Type’ as ‘Plain’.

Step 3:-
Login to the Machine with oracle user à Go to the below path for node manager configuration.
#cd /u01/app/oracle/product/fmw11g/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager/

Add below entry in the file and save it.

After performing above three steps, start the node manager.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Install VNC Server in Oracle Enterprise Linux 6

Below commands can be executed in Linux machine with root user in order to install the Vncserver.

#yum install xterm
#yum install xsetroot
#yum install twm
#yum install tigervnc-server

xterm – stands for terminal emulator for the X Windows System (Windowing system for Linux operating systems).

 xsetroot – allows to tailor the appearance of the background (root) window on a workstation display running X Windows System.

twm – Tab Window Manager is a window manager for X Windows System.  

Tigervnc is a high performance, platform-neutral implementation of VNC – Virtual Network Computing – to interact with graphical applications on remote machines.

To configure the VNCServer, please follow my blog after installing VNCserver