Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Webcenter Content integration with Webcenter Portal Spaces

Before integrating the webcenter content and webcenter portal, login webcenter content (http://<hostname>:<port>/cs).

If it is the first time access, please provide the intradoc port (4444) and ipfilter (allows remote access) details.

Go to 'Administration' --> 'Admin Server'

This will open in a new window.The main problem for this error is folders_g is not enabled and Framework folders might have enabled. But for creating a connection with webcenter portal framework or with webcenter spaces, we need
folders_g, then only we will get Contribution folder.

Select 'Folders' radio button, uncheck 'Framework Folders' checkbox. Then select 'Integration' radio button and check 'Webcenter Configure' checkbox.

After that goto top of the page and click on 'advanced component manager',

come to the enabled feature session, select Framework folders and disable it.
Come to the disabled feature session, select folders_g in the list and enable it.

Update the details.
This is prompting us to restart the content server for activating the changes. We will restart the server after the below changes.

Otherwise (if you had already accessed the page and if you forgot to provide the details), you can edit the intradoc port an in em console.
Login em console(http://<hostname>:7001/em)
Go to 'Webcenter' --> 'Content' --> 'Content Server' --> 'Oracle Webcenter Content - content server (UCM_server1)' and click on it.

Click on the 'Content Server' drop down, and click 'Configuration'.Provide the relevant details on each field. In IP Address filter, provide webcenter portal machine ip address also.
Apply the changes.

Go to 'Webcenter' --> 'Portal' --> 'Spaces' --> 'webcenter( and click on it.
Go to 'Webcenter portl' dropdown box --> 'Settings' -->'Service Configuration'
Click on 'Content Repository' --> 'Add' and check the below entries for filling the details,

Connection name : Name for the integration. Provide any meaningful name.
Repository Type : Oracle Content Server
Active Connection - check the checkbox

Content Administrator - weblogic
Root Folder - /Webcenter1
Application name - WC1

RIDC Socket Type : Socket
Server host : Webcenter content runing host name
Server port : Intradoc Port number (Generally -  4444)

Webcenter Context root - cs
Administrator username - sysadmin

test the connection and apply the changes.

After this stop webcenter spaces and webcenter content managed servers and start webcenter content and then webcenter spaces managed servers.

Login webcenter spaces and check the document services for seeing the content integration.

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